Hi, this is Carlos Young. I’m an Acne sufferer. I have had back acne most of my life. But now I able to control most of it through daily regiments. At times it flares, but I can say I am able to deal with it. Due to the action I am …
How to get rid of acne at home fast – Acne is often considered as a condition that only affects teenagers due to hormonal imbalance. However, this is not the case. Depending on lifestyle choices, back acne can affect both adults and teenagers equally. It does not choose any particular …
How to get rid of back acne – Back acne occurs when the pores and hair follicles on the back get clogged by excessive sebum which accumulates and mixes with dirt on the skin surface. This produces an environment for bacteria to thrive. The bacteria multiply, causing the pores to …
5 ways to get rid of back acne -Acne is a condition that mostly occurs on the face. However, it may also develop on your back. This often happens due to different reasons. One of them is poor hygiene. The back is often neglected during bathing. This can lead to …
How to get rid of back acne scars – Back acne scars are embarrassing despite being covered by clothes. The scars make it impossible to wear a top or dress with an open back. Bacne causes damage to the skin and this is because your skin may be creating very …